Pickleball serves as a great Equalizer

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Pickleball serves as a great equalizer, allowing me to play alongside my husband and other players

Hey ! Pickleballs are us, even if we're geezers, by Shin (Sue) Freedman
Pickleball stands out as a versatile sport suitable for individuals of all age groups, with a particular charm for seniors seeking an enjoyable and accessible physical activity. The game's simplicity makes it easy to grasp, providing not only a physical workout but also a stimulating mental exercise.

The delight that seniors derive from playing pickleball is unmistakable. Amidst friendly banter, laughter, and cheers on the bench while awaiting their turn, a contagious atmosphere of joy and camaraderie prevails. The worries of the world seem to fade away as seniors enthusiastically swing their paddles and chase the ball across the court.

During a game, a fellow player shared with me an intriguing anecdote about his mother excelling at pickleball. Living in Florida and playing daily, she outperformed her son on the court. This success story underscores the importance of motivation, consistent play opportunities, and the availability of well-maintained pickleball courts. In essence, pickleball offers unique insights into societal dynamics, cultural aspects, and individual characteristics.

Embarking on my pickleball journey initially filled me with apprehension, as I had never been inclined towards sports. The lack of experience and confidence raised concerns about potential ridicule for playing like "a geezer." However, my time in Keene revealed that octogenarians and nonagenarians played pickleball with the skill and finesse of individuals much younger. Despite their slower movements, these seasoned players showcased a lifetime of experience and wisdom.

Gratitude fills me as I engage in serving, returning the ball, and occasionally scoring points. The thrill of learning something new and the challenges of playing pickleball doubles, whether with a spouse or other partners, add to the enriching experience. Coordinating movements with a partner may not be intuitive for a beginner, but with each game, I gain valuable insights and skills.

Pickleball serves as a great equalizer, allowing me to play alongside my husband and other players. Above all, the game provides a fun and engaging way to stay active. Little did I anticipate enjoying this recreational activity so much in my seventies. Inspired by the examples set by fellow players in Keene, I eagerly anticipate at least two more decades of pickleball enjoyment. Indeed, "Pickleballs are us."

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