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Pickleball is an excellent sport for kids

Pickleball is an excellent sport for kids

Pickleball is an excellent sport for kids

Serving Up New Pickleball Rules in 2024

Serving Up New Pickleball Rules in 2024

Serving Up New Pickleball Rules in 2024

Pickleball Who’s ball is it anyway?

Pickleball Who’s ball is it anyway?

Pickleball double fault

Pickleball serves as a great Equalizer

Pickleball serves as a great Equalizer

Pickleball serves as a great equalizer, allowing me to play alongside my husband and other players

Number 3 on my Top Ten APP Moments Countdown

Number 3 on my Top Ten APP Moments Countdown

Number 3 on my “Top Ten APP Moments Countdown”

Most won’t even go this far in the process. Will you?

Most won’t even go this far in the process. Will you?

The majority of athletes will SAY they want to be great, but only a small handful will commit to the necessary hours and discipline it takes to acquire that level.

Ana leigh Waters The no.1 Pickleball Player

Ana leigh Waters The no.1 Pickleball Player

Ana leigh Waters The no.1 Pickleball Player

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