Most won’t even go this far in the process. Will you?

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The majority of athletes will SAY they want to be great, but only a small handful will commit to the necessary hours and discipline it takes to acquire that level.

Great athletes are like water that’s about to boil over … except that they rarely do.

The best run hot, internally. Some show it, physically (Tyson), while others keep a cool exterior (Ben). Regardless of how they look on the outside, the best burn fiery on the inside.

This heat is a focus - a concentrated level of intention that rarely gets distracted from its purpose. While the mentally mediocre athletes constantly come in and out of their focus, the greats remain locked.

This isn’t for the special and it’s not reserved for a select few. It’s available to all. If everyone has a right to it’s power, then why don’t more possess this weapon?

It’s a simple answer: It’s difficult and can be exhausting.

The majority of athletes will SAY they want to be great, but only a small handful will commit to the necessary hours and discipline it takes to acquire that level.

If you’re willing to do the work, start at the end. Reverse engineer what that state of boiling focus looks and feels like to you? What do your opponents feel from you on-court and what do they instantly start thinking when they see your name on their side of the bracket? Make this crystal clear in your mind’s eye and emotionally connect to its guaranteed manifestation. Before any micro work can begin on improving this level of focus, your brain must know the exact mental picture of your intention.

  • Most won’t even go this far in the process. Will you?


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