Pickleball Who’s ball is it anyway?

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Pickleball double fault

The Pickle Press!

If you're reading this, chances are pickleball is a sport that brings you great joy. Chances are you probably also know that (like any sport) there can be some extremely frustrating experiences on a pickleball court too.

Here's our list of the Top 5 most frustrating things that happen while playing pickleball.

1. A "Double Fault": So you get up to serve and miss it in the net. Pretty frustrating, but hey, at least your partner has a chance. Then... they miss their serve too! You just had a side-out without the other team even having to be on the court.? (Sorry to laugh, we know that's very frustrating.)

2. The Dreaded Ball on Court: You've had a nice long rally, moved your opponents around, induced a pop-up and just as you’re about to smash an overhead, you see a ball rolling onto your court. "Ball!!!" you hear from your opponent as you easily put away your shot for winner — but no, you've got to replay the point. (Of course, being on the opposite end of that feels pretty good. But hey, this isn't a most relieving list, it's a most frustrating one!?)

3. Whose Ball is It Anyway?: You're dinking back and forth. You've been moved around a bit, but now here comes a pretty easy dink right up the middle. Your partner has it. Or at least you think they do. Wait, does your partner think you're taking it? But it's their shot, right? You have time to communicate, it's a slow-moving dink. But it's now about to bounce twice. Wait, it just did — and neither of you even swung at it. Frustrating!

4. Nasty Nelson Victim: You're up at the kitchen line getting ready for your partner to return serve. But the serve is headed out, way out. In fact, it's heading toward you. You've heard of such a thing — it’s called a Nasty Nelson. But is that happening right now? To you? Yes, it is. The ball is getting closer, and closer. (Smack!) It hits you, and now everyone is laughing! (That's OK, you'll see that person later in the parking lot. ?)

5. Missed Match Point(s): You've played a solid game and you're up 10-4. All you have to do is win this point, that's all. OK, it didn't happen, that's fine. Side-out. You miss the return. 10-5. Your partner hits one in the net. 10-6. No big deal, you'll get it back. 10-7. Just lost three points, no need to panic. 10-8. 10-9. Hmm, what's going on here? 10-10. It's tied?! 11-10. They're winning?! 12-10. You're tapping paddles at the net? And you LOST?!!! ?

OK, how'd we do? Which one of these frustrating pickleball experiences is in your top 5? Which ones did we miss? Reply and let us know.

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