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1 Views · 10 months ago

If you do not do these 3 things, you will end up stuck in your game. You must have these to play your best pickleball.

If you are you ready to unlock your best pickleball serve? In this pickleball video, we focus on the must haves for your pickleball serve. PLUS 3 more pickleball shots you need to play your best pickleball. If you'd like a step by step nothing left to change plan to improvement, join us inside THE Pickleball System. Get more information at Hope to see you in class.

There is a lot of noise out there - on this platform as well as at your courts. We will not give you noise - just what makes sense for you and your pickleball game.

0:00 Introduction to the shots you need to play good 3.5 pickleball
0:26 The First Shot you Need - an Effective Pickleball Serve
1:44 The Second Shot you Need - an Effective Pickleball Return of Serve
2:44 The Third Shot you Need - an Effective Block Volley
4:38 The One Shot You do not need - do not miss this part of the video

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WeArePickleball – the tools to help you become the best player you can be. When you are ready to commit to your game and take it to the next level, you can learn more at

Stay well out there.

WeArePickleball Player Development


3 shots for pickleball play
pickleball serve
pickleball return of serve
block volley
third shot drop
pickleball instruction
pickleball video
pickleball tips

1 Views · 10 months ago

Pickleball - 5 Powerful Pickleball Tips to Win More Games | Pickleball Tips & Strategies To Improve Your Game

Timestamps of this video - 5 Powerful Pickleball Tips to Win More Games
00:00 - Introduction to the top 5 pickleball tips
00:22 - Pickleball Tip No. 1: Follow the Picklebball
03:42 - Pickleball Tip No. 2: Use a Compact Pickleball Paddle Swing
06:28 - Compact Swing on Dinking
07:38 - Pickleball Tip No. 3: Anticipate The Picklebball
12:24 - Pickleball Tip No. 4: Point of Contact with your Paddle
16:50 - Bonus Tip: Grip Pressure Picklebball Serve & Return

5 of our top pickleball tips to improve your play. Whether you are intermediate, advanced, or new to the pickleball game, these tips will help you improve your skills as a pickleball player.

I want to go over some tips to help you improve as a pickleball player. Some tips are simple and some are a bit complicated but these tips will help you improve your pickleball play, your pickleball results and improve you as a big ballplayer
Pickleball Tip No. 1: Follow the Pickleball
Two things that I want to focus on. One, I want to make sure that when I hit a shot particularly on the 3rd shot, or if my partner is hitting the 3rd shot, I want to make sure that I'm closing on the ball. What I don't want to do it, is come in straight when the ball is over to one side or come into one side. I want to make sure that I'm turning my shoulders to the ball, depending on where the ball is at. What happens a lot of times when we're playing up with a no volley zone as we stand square to the net and we don't turn our body to where the ball is coming from or where the ball is. And so, what happens is the ball can basically get behind us or create a difficult angle for us. Check out the practical view from the Pickleball Tip video, you will learn properly.

Pickleball Tip No. 2: Use a Compact Swing
Compact swing means you are avoiding errors from backswing and you also avoid errors from just having your paddle flailing about. You want to play pickleball aggressively but with some amount of control. Basically, if I have a nice short backswing on most of my strokes and I want to have a follow that makes sense. I don't want to have a follow-through that goes all the way around my body. Please watch the Pickleball Tip video with the practical view, it will help you to understand this tip perfectly.

Pickleball Tip No. 3: Anticipate the Ball
It basically involves anticipating where the ball is going to be before it gets to you. And even before it crosses the net. So, you have more time to move around the pickleball court and get into a position to hit your next shot. You need to look at a few different things. One thing you need to look at the type of stroke that your opponent is hitting.
Your opponent is dinking or not and the current condition of the wind. These are important elements.

Pickleball Tip No. 4: Point of Contact
Every shot has an optimal point of contact. And if we were able to put every shot into a computer program it would tell us to hit the ball when the pickleball is right here or when the pickleball is right here depending on the type of shot and depending on the trajectory speed of the ball. It's very difficult as humans to always hit it on the actual optimal point of contact but we want to try and get as close to that point as possible. Please watch the Pickleball Tip video with the practical view, it will help you to understand this tip perfectly.
Bonus Tip: Grip Pressure Serve & Return
The Grip pressure, how you hold the pickleball paddle, how hard you hold it, or how lightly you hold it. When we talk about grip pressure, we talk about grip pressure being one to ten. Ten is death grip, no one holds at a ten. It would be painful to do so. Watch the video for this bonus pickleball tip to understand perfectly.

Thanks to Jill and Laurie for their help with the video - these things take a minute to film out there.

Thanks as well to Kolter Homes for allowing us to film this video at their new pickleball facility at PGA Village Verano.

Good luck out there!
In2Pickle Player Development

Thanks to Coyote Hearing Studio for the music used in this video. Music used with permission from YouTube Audio Library.
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1 Views · 10 months ago

Paddle control is critical to good pickleball play. Use these drills to improve your paddle control and your understanding of paddle-ball interactions (what else is pickleball other than a paddle making contact with a ball?).

We work on paddle control, grip pressure, and eye-hand coordination. Cover everything in here.

In this video series we give you some pickleball drills that you can do at home. These pickleball drills are also helpful to work on your pickleball stroke mechanics - a great way to work on muscle memory.

NOTE - If you are unsure as to whether you should do any of the exercises or movements in this video, consult your physician. If any of the exercises or movements in this video cause you pain or discomfort, STOP and consult your physician before proceeding.

Stay sane out there.


In2Pickle is the resource for all things pickleball from educational videos to tested and vetted pickleball products, all aimed at improving your game.
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1 Views · 10 months ago

Want to see traditional pickleball mixed doubles strategy - with a small twist because I am lefthanded? Then check out this solid pickleball match from the 2023 Mintos US Open in Naples, Florida. Good pickleball strategy, mid-game adjustments, and pickleball competition in this match.

I have played a lot of tournament Mixed Doubles. First with my wife, Jill, and since I turned 50 (still waiting for Jill ), with several amazing partners. You can say I know something about playing mixed doubles. And it is definitely a bit different than gender doubles.

Players are often curious about the strategies that pertain specifically to mixed doubles. Strategies like:

o Stacking, including staying and switching, and partial stack formations
o The middle squeeze of the court by the male player
o The counter-strategy of hitting behind the squeezing male player
o Communication and shot responsibility

The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words must mean that a video is worth a billion words. To help you understand mixed doubles strategy, this week’s video on YouTube is a solid pickleball back draw match from the 2023 Mintos US Open in Naples, Florida between Tony Roig and Leslie Bernard versus Lance Cowart and Rachelle Mulanax.

In addition to the mixed doubles strategy, this match has some great examples of defense from different parts of the court (stress resistance anyone?) as well as various attack shots (you know it: stress imparting).

You can watch the entire match or click on the time segment for the area of the game you you want to see. Or you can do both if you want to get it all and then focus on a part of the strategy used.

These timestamps are to the beginning of the rally, except where I am showing a specific item:

:40 This rally shows the importance of knowing who is responsible for the shot. Lance and Rachelle got their signals mixed, resulting in a easy point awarded to us.
2:14 My paltry excuse for a paddle tap, which I corrected shortly thereafter. Cannot stress enough the importance of this aspect of pickleball doubles play.
2:22 The role of the male player in squeezing the middle and making life uncomfortable for their opponents.
3:32 Hitting behind the male player to make him “stay home” more
3:56 Poach gone wrong – how NOT TO recover in time - yikes!
4:09 Hitting behind the male player to make him “stay home” more
5:06 Hitting behind the male player to make him “stay home” more
6:44 How to execute a stack switch on return of serve (particularly when they scored the last 2 points when you were in the other formation)
10:17 Pretty sick baseline defense – just grinding out a pickleball point
11:55 (Two rallies). ¼ return of serve stack. We were stacking ¾ for much of the match.
12:45 Good shake and bake (but a small NVZ fault)
14:16 “I” Formation play with a disruptive player in front and great defense behind
15:54 Poach gone right (for the most part)
16:11 Lob defense in mixed doubles – important stuff
16:24 Hitting behind the male player to make him “stay home” more
16:54 Non-Volley Zone Lob Attack
17:47 disciplined play by Leslie (leftside nearest to camera) – sticking with what you want to do the whole rally
18:15 Offensive timeout – don’t only use them defensively
19:54 Attack shot
20:58 How to attack a stack unwind
21:34 Imparting pickleball stress on your opponent
22:03 The role of the male player in squeezing the middle and making life uncomfortable for their opponents.

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Pickleball Therapy Podcast - get some therapy

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Better Pickleball – the tools to help you become the best player you can be. When you are ready to commit to your game and take it to the next level, you can learn more at

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Better Pickleball Player Development

Mixed Doubles Pickleball Strategy Extravaganza

1 Views · 10 months ago

Too many motions with your stroke can, and often does, lead to unforced errors in your game. Simplifying your stroke mechanics will reduce these errors.

This is Video 2 of our analysis of our friend Eddie Adkins' game as we working to help Eddie become a benchmark 4.0 player. In this video we break down Eddie's stroke mechanics so that he can reduce errors along his path to 4.0.

In2Pickle Player Development

1 Views · 10 months ago

Missing a return of serve is "no bueno." In this pickleball video we share with you the most common cause for missed returns of serve out on the pickleball court and give you a specific recommendation about how to fix it.

If you are committng this error in your pickleball play, you are giving away tons of points when you are in action. Apply the tip in this video and watch those errors fade away.

0:00 Introduction to the Cause of missed pickleball returns of serve
0:38 Demonstration of forehand and backhand rushed returns
1:09 Conclusion and Recommendations

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You can find Pickleball Therapy on Apple, Spotify, and all podcasts platforms. Here is the first (out of 5) mental and emotional training series episodes with Coach Peter Scales.

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WeArePickleball – the tools to help you become the best player you can be. When you are ready to commit to your game and take it to the next level, you can learn more at

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1 Views · 10 months ago

Where should you hit your attack shot? What about an unattackable ball? We answer these questions in this video.

Want to play like the best? Then learn from the best.

Keep working at it.


Link to full match video:

Nationals Pickleball 55+ 5.0 GOLD MEDAL Scott Moore / Glen Peterson v Brian Staub / Steve Dawson.

Thanks to Chasing Dill for allowing us use of the video. Subscribe to their channel (@chasingdill) for more quality pickleball match videos.

Thanks to Coyote Hearing Studio for the music used in this video. Music used with permission from YouTube Audio Library.

1 Views · 10 months ago

Want to build a puzzle? Having the puzzle box cover is key. Same for pickleball. We are given a piece here and a piece there but it can be hard to see the whole game and how each piece fits into it. The Framework of Pickleball is what allows you to start seeing the bigger picture. You can see the pieces - and how they all fit together to create this beautiful game.

Join us for the Ultimate Game Workshop on July 20th. Get your free ticket here:

And when you are ready to take the next big step in your game, enroll in our next Pickleball System class here:

0:00 Introduction to the pickleball problem and the solution for you
0:30 Why you are stuck in your pickleball game
1:53 There is a logic - a form - to the game of pickleball
2:56 Pickleball Framework - Objectives - Strategy - Shots
5:00 How can I learn the Framework of Pickleball?
6:36 Signing up for our free workshop

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The Pickleball Therapy Podcast is dedicated to your pickleball improvement. It’s the only podcast that discusses your pickleball mindset.

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Important disclosure: We're proud affiliates for some of these tools, meaning if you click a link and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Our recommendations are based on deep experience with and knowledge of these companies and their products, and we recommend them because they are genuinely helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we may receive. Please don't spend any money on these products unless you believe they will help you achieve your goals.

1 Views · 10 months ago

Handle HARD Pickleball Shots with these 2 Key Tips

They are sometimes called bangers. No matter what you call them, if you face hard shots in your pickleball games and are not sure how to handle them, the tips in this video will 100% help you. Gain control and be a more confident pickleball player, whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced pickleball player.

0:00 Introduction to Facing Bangers (Pickleball Hard Hitters)
1:26 The First Technique - Block Volley
2:10 The Second Technique - Use the entire Pickleball Court
2:45 What to do when facing hard hit pickleballs

Thank you Ivo for filming and Charlotte for starring in the video. No criticism of any player is ever intended in any video we make - the discussion is for educational purposes.

John Cincola's video is here:

If you like this video, subscribe to our channel so you get notified of other high-quality pickleball videos like this one.

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1 Views · 10 months ago

Link to Podcast here:

Confidence is “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.” Two parts then that we need to feel confident on the pickleball court: (a) ability and (b) appreciation of this ability. The result: feeling of self-assurance.

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Doubles Pickleball Strategy
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1 Views · 10 months ago

Avoid this Pickleball Mistakes! Start the Point Right | Pickleball Instructional Video

If you want to improve your pickleball game, you have to start the point in the right spot. This applies both to the serve and return. When I play rec games, I often see players start the point from the wrong spot. This invariably puts the player in a bad spot, often cascading into a series of events that lead to a loss of the point.

Example. The Player stands too close to the baseline on a return of serve. Result? A poor return and the serve team are allowed to attack or move up to the NVZ (neutralizing the returner's advantage). Fix? Stand in a better spot to avoid being "forced" into a bad return.

Let us know what you think.
In2Pickle Player Development

This is Part 1, Video 1 of the Project 4.0 Series.

1 Views · 10 months ago

You hitting “out” balls because is a huge part of pickleball – trust us. If you can cut hitting out balls from your pickleball game you will have 15-20% better results.

In this video we break down a real-life example of how to avoid the “out” ball in a pickleball game situation. Take this part of the game to heart and you will improve.

If you have a pickleball point that you think merits being part of the breakdown, please send it to me at

Thanks to Tom, Tyson, and Scott for the games and for providing the footage we use here.

Subscribe so you are notified when we publish more videos. Subscription – free. Pickleball knowledge – priceless.

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Thanks for watching,

Tony Roig
In2Pickle Player Development

In2Pickle Instructional Videos
Pickleball Improvement series
Point Breakdown – Avoid Out Balls

1 Views · 10 months ago

Pickleball - 3 Tips to Avoid the Dreaded Pickleball Pop Up | Pickleball Tips
Pop Up is the bane of a pickleball player's existence.
In this video, we go over 3 tips to avoid the Dreaded Pickleball Pop Up at the NVZ.
Pickleball Tip No. 1 - shorten your backswing. A long backswing can result in losing control of your shot. As you accelerate your paddle forward to make contact with the ball, it is difficult to slow the paddle down to the speed you need to properly dink the ball. By shortening the backswing, you can avoid those accelerated paddle Pop Up.

Pickleball Tip No. 2 - lighten your grip pressure. Sometimes when you are popping the ball up it is because you are gripping the paddle too tightly. You can avoid this problem by loosening your grip on the paddle. Using a scale of 1-10 (light to tight), when you are dinking at the NVZ, you want to grip the paddle closer to a 2 or 3 than a 5 or 6.

Pickleball Tip No. 3 - dink cross court. Dinking straight is more challenging than cross court. There is less space to operate to avoid your opponent's attack. The net is also 1 to inches higher than in the middle of the net (35 or 36 inches versus 34 in the middle). As a result, cross-court dinking is less likely to result in Pop Up than straight on dinking.

Give these three tips a try and reduce your pickleball Pop Up.

Good luck out there.
In2Pickle Player Development

This is part of our pickleball mistake video series.

Photo courtesy of David King (Pixabay).
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1 Views · 10 months ago

Top 4 Tips from THE Pickleball Summit || Find out more

Join us for the Summit - FREE Registration here (cut and paste into your browser):

4 Top Tips from the Summit:

1. Grip Pressure is key
2. Keep things simple and win more games
3. The return tells you what third shot to expect
4. Wall drills are an effective improvement exercise

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Good luck out there.
VIPickleball Player Development
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Doubles Pickleball Strategy
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1 Views · 10 months ago

Pickleball Defense – Backing up to reset the point - In2Pickle | Pickleball Technique

Sometimes (oftentimes, if we are being honest) when we are playing pickleball we find ourselves with a ball that has been hit too high (the “oh %^$#!” moment). Do we just stand at the line and take it or is it better for us to take a step back from the NVZ (kitchen) line so that we can establish a line of defense?
Take a look at this video to help you answer that question.

This is part of our pickleball fundamentals video series for Project 4.0.
Pickleball improvement - Pickleball Defense and Ready Position.

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Thanks for watching,
Tony Roig
In2Pickle Player Development

Thanks to Rich Geenen (Chasing Dill) for some of our footage.

1 Views · 10 months ago

In this video we show you how to wrap an overgrip onto your paddle. The overgrip goes over the manufacturer installed grip. It will help protect the original grip as well as help against slippage on the paddle from sweat. Much less expensive to change out overgrips than to change out the original grip.

Overgrips Video:

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Thanks for watching,

Tony Roig
In2Pickle Player Development

In2Pickle Instructional Videos
Getting Started
How to overgrip the paddle

1 Views · 10 months ago

Reduce errors and WIN more games with these 7+1 Tips

1. Reduce errors in your serves, returns of serve, third shots and dinks
2. Increase your margin for error from shot selection
3. Improve your court movement and ready position

By studying how the best in pickleball go about their games, we can learn best practices and, with some work, add them to our play on the pickleball court.

Let us know what you are working on in the comments. Also if you have any issues that seem to haunt your pickleball game, let us know. Perhaps there is a video answering it in your future.

You can check out these great players and their results are under Player Lookup:
David Weinbach
Tao Thongvanh
Jose Derisi
Chris "Mills" Miller

They are four of the top senior pros in the world today.

VIPickleball – the tools to help you become the best player you can be.
When you are ready to commit to your game and take it to the next level, join us at

Good luck out there.
VIPickleball Player Development
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Doubles Pickleball Strategy
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How to hit the pickleball
How to slam a pickleball
Ready position

1 Views · 10 months ago

Giving points away to your opponents?
Reduce your pickleball mistakes.
Do this, and you will improve your pickleball play.
In this video, we focus on 4 KEY Pickleball Mistakes AND teach you how to fix them.

Time Stamps for the pickleball Mistakes reduction tips in this video:
Introduction to the Four Pickleball Mistakes Holding You Back - 00:00
Hitting balls out along the pickleball court sidelines. - 01:24
Hit your pickleball serve and return in the middle of the court box - 04:39
Do not let the net on the pickleball court beat you - 06:15
Avoid doing too much when you are hitting your pickleball shots - 09:15

In this video, we show you 4 areas where pickleball players generally give away points. We also show you how to fix these mistakes. Use these tips to minimize the mistakes you are making when you play.

The tips in this video apply to beginner pickleball players, intermediate pickleball players, and even advanced pickleball players.

Our most requested topic is how to avoid unforced mistakes while playing pickleball. This video gives you 4 tips to help you reduce those pickleball unforced errors and up your game.

Check out these other videos to continue reducing your game mistakes and continue on your path to pickleball improvement.

Backswing Video:

Three Strategies to Avoid Unforced Mistakes:

Join our mailing list to make sure you stay connected on all our latest. WeArePickleball – the tools to help you become the best player you can be. When you are ready to commit to your game and take it to the next level, you can learn more at

Stay well out there.

WeArePickleball Player Development
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1 Views · 10 months ago

Playing Pickleball on a Tennis Court | NO Permanent Lines Needed | In2Pickle

Timestamps - Playing Pickleball on a Tennis Court
00:00 - Intro: Playing on a Tennis Court
00:55 - Start with a plain Tennis Court
01:50 - Do not Mark a Court without Permission
02:20 - Use Cones or Other Removal Markers
08:30 - Lay Out the Court

Want to play pickleball but do not have courts nearby. No problem.
Is there a tennis court available?
With some strips or cones, you are ready to go.

A whole pickleball court is only 2 feet longer than a tennis court’s service boxes. The singles lines on a tennis court (the long lines running down the court nearest to the center of the court) are each only 3 ½ feet wider than the long lines along with a pickleball court. You probably see where I’m going with this.

In order to play pickleball on a tennis court, you will need at least a few cones or other markers (you can use water bottles, clothing, or pretty much anything that will not permanently or semi-permanently mark the court). We do not advise using chalk, paint, tape (or other permanent or semi-permanent markings) without the permission of the court owner or manager.

An easy way to mark the pickleball lines on a tennis court is to use short rubber strips that are specifically designed for this purpose. The strips have the advantage of being relatively inexpensive, easy to store and transport, less obstructive on the court, and overall providing a better playing experience.

Some guidelines for how to play pickleball on a tennis court that does not have a pickleball line on it (if any doubt, check out our diagram showing you these steps):
- The service box lines that run parallel to the net will be the baseline (backline) of your pickleball court.
- The centerline of the service box will be the centerline of your pickleball court.
- For the sidelines of your pickleball court, you have two options:
- The recommended option is to mark off a sideline 3 ½ feet from each of the singles lines on the tennis court. You can do this by just walking it off – just remember to use the same person’s foot for each line. You can then place a few cones or other markers along the sideline. Line calls will be approximate, just give the benefit of the doubt to the ball being “In.”

Another option is using the singles lines from the tennis court as your sidelines. This option makes the court much wider than a regulation pickleball court and will require much more side-to-side movement. This option should only be used if you don’t have enough cones for other markers and are physically able to cover the additional court.
You will also need to mark off the kitchen; no volley zone as it is more formally called. This is the only part of the court that you must mark off in order to play pickleball. After all, the kitchen is what makes pickleball. To mark off the no volley zone, you will walk off 7 feet from the net towards the baseline and drop your markers there. We recommend using 2 to 3 markers, one along each sideline where it intersects the kitchen line and one on the centerline, as long as it does not unreasonably interfere with play. Stating the obvious, make sure your markers do not create a safety risk for you or your fellow players.

The last thing you will do is to lower the tennis net 2 inches in the middle. This step is optional – you can play pickleball with a 36-inch net and doing so will make the regulation net seem much easier. To do this, you will slide the tennis net Center strap to one side approximately an inch or so. We do not recommend making permanent alterations to the tennis net center strap and further recommend placing the strap back into its original position at the end of the play. Leaving the strap over to one side can cause the net to lose tension affecting both tennis players and future pickleball play.

To play the game, you will follow the normal rules of pickleball with one exception and one recommendation. The exception is that if the ball comes into contact with any marker on the court, the point is replayed (we refer to this as a “let”). The recommendation is that the benefit of the doubt is given on both “out” calls as well as kitchen violation calls. Our objective is to get some exercise and hopefully enjoy the game and it would be a shame for that to be overshadowed by close line calls.

That’s it. Suit up, grab your paddle and balls (if you need any of these you can find them at, and go play the new tennis on your neighborhood tennis court.

This part of our Pickleball Getting Started series. This series is aimed at players beginning on their pickleball journey.

Thanks for watching,
In2Pickle Player Development

Vinyl Strips here:

Thanks to Coyote Hearing Studio for the music used in this video. Music used with permission from YouTube Audio Library.

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