Full Tracking in Pickleball is a No No

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Full Tracking in Pickleball is a No No

I’m not a fan of “full tracking” in PB, but definitely, 100%, not in hands battles.

When we watch the ball from our opponents’ paddle all the way to our partner’s paddle, we instantly slow our ability to refocus on the ball and opponents’ intention, drastically reducing the speed of our reflexes.

Look at how slow Collin responded to Tyson’s ball after Ben re-countered Tyson’s first counter attack. In the screenshot I showed you, check out where Collin’s eyes were when Ben was hitting. THIS is why Collin missed the next ball as he was attempting to let it go. Collin didn’t have enough time to refocus on the speed and trajectory of Tyson’s shot.

To improve this, once the fire-fight begins, I want Collin’s eyes concentrated on his opponents … specifically to the player directly in front of Ben (because he’s the closest player to Ben’s ball and will give Collin the least amount of time to react). If Ben hits to the cross court player, as he did in this video, Collin will have ample time to adjust and focus.

• No more full tracking.
• Focus your eyes on the player directly in front of your partner.

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