Overwhelming Demand for Pickleball opportunities, surpassing the current capacity

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Wow! More not less

Wow ! More, Not Less - Letter
I've been actively participating in pickleball at the recreation center, maintaining an intermediate level of play for several years.

Throughout my time at the center, the gym has never been "nearly empty," especially not on a Sunday. It consistently draws a considerable number of players, with 12 individuals actively playing (four on each of three courts) and an additional 10 or so patiently waiting their turn.

Coordination among players to determine the signup day for the upcoming month is well-established; everyone is aware that signups occur on the last Monday of each month for the following month. However, the registration process, though necessary, is cumbersome and reminiscent of Kafkaesque bureaucracy. Consequently, the available slots are typically fully booked within minutes of opening at 9 AM.

While acknowledging that the registration process is a shared challenge faced by many towns in managing various activities, abandoning registration altogether is not a viable solution due to the potential chaos it could cause. Even with an optimal registration system, there would likely still be individuals unable to secure a spot in the existing program.

The root of the issue lies in the overwhelming demand for pickleball opportunities, surpassing the current capacity. I propose that the town and its recreation department address this fundamental problem by focusing on providing more recreational opportunities that align with the community's desires. This entails increasing indoor pickleball time during the indoor season and expanding outdoor pickleball court availability in the outdoor season. Despite discussions about Trotting Park courts, it's crucial to note that there is currently no allocated funding for such initiatives.

Pickleball transcends being merely a fun sport; it serves as a significant social interaction opportunity and, notably, has therapeutic benefits for individuals facing specific physical challenges. I urge the town to consider enhancing, rather than reducing, the pickleball experience for its citizens.

RJ Shapiro
Estrella Lane
East Falmouth

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