Pickleball Full-track vs. Half-track

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Pickleball Full-track vs. Half-track

Haha, Collin Johns sent me this text last night, teasing me about the full-track vs half-track. I’ve been waiting for this one and knew it was coming sooner or later ?.

We had an incredible convo, that may have lasted over 90 minutes. He’s obviously a deep thinker about his game and doesn’t do anything by accident, so he presented his detailed reasons for the full-track and I presented mine for the half.

It was awesome - there wasn’t any “right or wrong” ego happening, just a thoughtful, strategic breakdown. What I loved more than anything about the conversation, was the fact that despite his success doing it the way he has for years, he was open to hearing my reasons for making a slight adjustment and the reasons Why.

This is the main point of making this post - one of the best players in the world, who could’ve easily have said, “Why change something that’s not broken” actually listened with an open mind and curiosity.

As a player, why get mentally locked into something, even if it’s bringing you current success, if there may be something else that could enhance that success rate?! This is a mental game concept - the ability to be fluid in our thinking, curious to evolved possibilities, and an openness to want to find another competitive advantage.

I’ve always said Collin doesn’t get enough credit for the Johns’ success, mainly because you don’t see what he’s doing behind the scenes and know how strategically flexible he is about every last detail in his game.

If the best in the world can do it, why, at a 3-5-5.0 level, wouldn’t all players be open to concepts they don’t understand? Let’s go!

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