Pivoting is a change of direction or a change of play.

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Pivoting is a change of direction or a change of play.

Pivoting is a change of direction or a change of play. The best players and the most successful teams are able to pivot effectively because of their ability to recognize the need for change. ?

So many teams dig themselves in a hole and only recognize the need for change too late in the game.

One simple marker that is easy to execute is the four-point marker. If the opposition get four points ahead first call a timeout. This will hopefully break the momentum. This timeout will also create space to literally step off the court and look objectively at what is happening. If you have a coach or trusted friend nearby, this is a great time to hear what they have observed.

Changes need to be simple, straightforward and easy to understand. If our pivot is simple and clear, both partners will have the confidence to execute a clear plan.

Here are some examples of a simple pivot. Our opponents are reading our speed-ups off the bounce, counter-attacking and winning firefights. It may sound obvious, but it’s important to firstly recognize this strategy is not working. If we continue to repeat the same patterns of attacking that are not working, we end up digging ourselves into a bigger hole, and the point difference continues to grow.

In this example, I would pivot to speed-ups out of the air instead of off the bounce. This means being a bit more patient and waiting for a ball that we can reach and take out the air. This will take time and space away from our opponents and means we are speeding up on a higher or deeper ball.

Another pivot could be responding to an opponent’s strengths. Recognizing an opponent likes to attack down the line and has won several points, our pivot could simply be better positioning, taking an extra step, so that our line isn’t exposed.

In your next games, play to your strengths, look for opponent’s patterns and weaknesses and pivot when necessary.

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