Stop Playing Pickleball to Win

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Stop playing to win

Stop playing to win!

Elevate Your Pickleball Game: Embrace a Purposeful Approach
Are you striving to become a standout pickleball player? It's time to shift your mindset from merely playing to win towards a more purposeful and skill-focused approach.

Winning is undoubtedly satisfying, but true improvement lies in the willingness to embrace losses and use them as steppingstones to greatness.

The path to mastery involves a fundamental change in how you approach each game. Instead of fixating on the scoreboard, concentrate on refining specific aspects of your game. Identify the areas where you seek improvement and view every match as an opportunity to hone those skills.

The most accomplished players reached their pinnacle by weathering defeats and learning from them.

In casual play, a common error is prioritizing victory over skill development. The complexity of pickleball requires constant decision-making—considerations like court positioning, shot intensity, depth, and teammate whereabouts can overwhelm even the most seasoned players.

It's like learning to drive a stick shift for the first time—balancing multiple tasks simultaneously, akin to a dance, until it becomes second nature.

Recall the initial challenges of driving a manual car? Shifting gears, balancing the clutch, and coordinating multiple movements demanded intense focus.

Yet, with persistence, the process became effortless. Similarly, transitioning from a win-centric mindset to a skill-refinement focus may initially require effort, but it will eventually become second nature.

Don't just hit the ball to return it over the net mindlessly. With each stroke, ask yourself strategic questions: Where do you want the ball to go? Which side of the court are you targeting? Should it be a deep or shallow shot? Hit the ball with purpose, aiming to enhance your control and precision.

Transform into a purposeful player who strategically places shots rather than merely reacting.
Shift your perspective – think of each loss as an investment in your future victories. Embrace the discomfort of change, for it signifies growth. Gradually, your movements and shots will flow effortlessly, instinctively aligning with your strategic goals.

Be the player who willingly endures losses now to secure triumphs later.

Meet Brett Noel, a distinguished 3-time National Gold Medalist and lead Professional Pickleball Instructor at “Global Pickleball training Academy”.

Brett conducts pickleball clinics around the country and certifies players to teach pickleball. Would you like to become a certified pickleball instructor or sponsor a clinic in your area? You can reach Brett at or 805-975-5781

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