Learn Vision and Why, not just the What.

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Pickleball Vision and Why

Having the perfect vision for a shot isn’t reserved only for pros. Beginners should be taught this skill immediately, even BEFORE they’re taught proper technique - yep, BEFORE!!!

The foundation for bad players isn’t incorrect mechanics, it’s a lack of intention. PB has a way of allowing many different, funky, and unique techniques to get the ball from point A to point B, but no amount of mechanics (good or bad) will override a lack of intention and vision.

Technique and vision aren’t an either / or thing, they’re an AND game. They work together and should be taught side-by-side, as long as Vision is the leader of the team.

The players I’ve watched with my own eyes for the last two years who are obsessed with technique over everything else haven’t improved their results much. They may look a bit prettier, but because they’re constantly thinking about How to hit the ball, they’ve ignored the Why, thus not allowing them to do the little things that win matches. They hit the ball well, but lose more than they win.

Conversely, the players I’ve watched who’ve integrated new techniques along the way, but have obsessed over the puzzle of breaking down opponents, becoming mentally tougher, and understanding their on-court Why’s have skyrocketed their results. Wonder why! ?

Learn Vision and Why, not just the What.

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